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Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Practically a long long time since i updated.
Nth much to write abt.
Recent events? Choir performance , concerts? not too mention the hectic prefect schedule.

i can't tell u how empty i feel.
horribly , terribly empty.
it feels as though i've lost everything , not literally though
like once a millionaire and now a beggar
i can just burst into tears , but without really knowing why
black or white?
left or right?
here , there?
I don't know. I'm extremely confused.
i really want a break from all the madness that's going on.
my mind just refuses to relish the good memories
instead, it just drowns me with the bad ones.
all the hurtful words
all the hurtful moments
i feel as though i'm on an island on my own.
with my scottie and snowie by me.
cause they never cause me much pain.
(Krystal) ♥ 6:22 AM
Thursday, October 15, 2009

My first update after a long time...
yeah blogs really dead.
anyways , went out with my sisters yesterday and had a load of fun!
Climbed trees , soaked our feet in sea water , watched summer 500...
craving for the dim sum qi and i ate.
It's goooooooood...
oh yeah and you could hear yan ling's distinctive laughter in the theater.
As for today , went climb bukit timah hill for the 1st time with kok ho.
ended up our legs covered with red bums of mosquito bite.
but overall it was fun :)
I would publish the video of him going down the slide , but i dun think he'll send it to me for obvious reasons. lol.
then went subway and made a new discovery that mayonnaise and honey mustard go very well together. yummm....
(Krystal) ♥ 8:01 AM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
No comments on choir camp.
I know i've been rather down for these few weeks.
Just that i'm rather upset with the group of you.
How would you feel if you have done so much ,
yet not even a thank you?
just two simple words can mean alot.
and i mean alot.
it makes one know that he/she is appreciated for his/her efforts.
very upsetting.
sometimes i'm starting to understand how mrs ching feels.
i even wonder if all these efforts are worth while?
sometimes i wonder if i'm too sensitive
well i kinda agree.
and about claiming credits.
so what if i claim credits that are rightfully mine?
tell me to write about my achievements?
i can't even write an article on that
cause at the end of the day
i feel that i've achieved nothing despite the effort and hard work.
i can only say one thing disappointing.
not angry
just disappointing and upsetting.
just wana thank the others who have made effort as well
i know its not easy going through the planning and stuff
but you guys have made it possible
without you would be a different story.
thank you.
(Krystal) ♥ 8:00 AM
Friday, May 29, 2009
I'm damn upset and rather pissed off right now.
Just had a blow with my mom.
thought i led it out.
Just wished she'd be less arrow minded and force her way through things.
She gave me 2 choices.
Either attend choir camp or attend tuition.
I can't possibly just dump choir right?
I'm like IC and its my responsibility to stay there.
At the same time , i really want to attend the tuition just that it clashes with the camp for only 2 lessons.
So why not just go make up sessions for those 2?
Yah then a hell lot of excuse.....teach diff thing lah blah blah blah.
I want to attend tuition as much as i want to attend camp.
well i'll see how things go. Hopefully good.
(Krystal) ♥ 4:44 AM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Finally mid yr exams are over.
and the results are just gona spoil the fun.
hiax sad. tmr first thing in the morning , chinese.
omg which is killing me.
although there's improvement for compo but compre...
nah dun wan tok abt it.
and dun even get me started on amath. omg.
section B was like???
well i could have done it if given more time. dream on...
exams over and i'm bored to death.
i wouldn't be blogging now if not my mom snatched the TV away to watch her tiawan drama.
which is really draggyyyyyyyyyyyy.
well nothin much to blog anyways...
june is gona be real packed.
if hopefully i can go obs.
really wan to go but must ask my doc. 1st.
do tag before leaving.
otherwise my blog will be damn freakin dead.
bb ppl!
you make me laugh
you make me tear
you make me fume
at the same time ,
you touch my heart.
you've been such a great friend.
thank you.
(Krystal) ♥ 5:21 AM
Thursday, April 30, 2009

ALTOS!!! and beloved mr lim.....yan ling hands look like crab claws!!!lol
and the seniors.....
SYF showcase was a success! well after much practice after the rehearsal.
i think this is the (how many time) i've said this
gona miss the seniors...( except 1) who seriously owes me an apology.
Can't be bother to think over it ytd cause was having a great time with the rest of the Seniors.
so didn't want to spoil that moment.
So Wendy and i gona take over from now onwards....
what to say?
anyway thanks to all the seniors for all their contributions to the choir! :)
especially kok ho and yong han.:)
that last moment with them on stage.
gona miss everyone!!!
ahh so sad.
promise you'll visit us kays?
if got choir camp must come hor!
really appreciate you guys!!!
U have taught me alot!
then gone through syf together to attain a silver!
fond memories.
thats y i miss u all so much!!!
Ok now comes the bad part.
thanks for the treat to choir and also
thanks alot for calling me irresponsible.
i dun care if u were joking. but that hurt me a hell lot!
Give me 1 reason how irresponsible i am as vice chair.
U don't know how much i have contributed and in the end , not even appreciated worse , criticized.
I can list what i've done even from sec 2!
who was the one who spent her own money on the notice board?
who was the one who helped buy mr lim present?
who was the one who initiated on the sec 3 performance on last day?
and u call me irresponsible?
i've got lots more to say just that i dun feel like.
go think abt those words u said to me.
seriously i will never forgive you until u apologize personally.
Finally. I'm less pissed. if not can't concentrate on studies.
anyway so that's abt it.
have more surprises in stall for seniors...
which will reveal on........
anyway. good luck for O'levels! :)

(Krystal) ♥ 11:04 PM
Friday, April 17, 2009
Congrats to all Choir Members ( including myself) for obtaining a SILVER!!!
really hope that the next batch will do us proud by obtaining a GOLD!
haha. i believe u can.
its just a matter of whether u want to do it or not.
This batch of syf members have put in much effort to get to where we are today.
so DON'T LET US( or shld i say tus?) DOWN!
i'll come back and kill everyone of you if u dare decorate!
at the moment , let us bask in this glory. Let this be a new beginning.
rmb ppl , must enjoy performing.
Currently wondering wat jia lun has to reward us.
haha. waste is money.hehe.
but must thank him.
have to catch up with hw after the past few days of long and late practices.
tata ppl!
(Krystal) ♥ 3:42 AM
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